I believe in signs, because I get them often.

A week or so after buying my house, I remember a phone call from my mom ーwhile I was mid-demo one day ー when she was in Arizona sitting bedside with my aunt.

We talked about how she was on a ventilator and non responsive, and how they kept running tests but never had any answers as to the cause or how and why of the infections and fevers. There were no answers. I couldn’t understand why they couldn’t get it under control or why they couldn’t figure out what was going on. I just couldn’t understand. As I mentioned before, we now know she likely had COVID, but they weren’t testing patients back then. There really were no answers and decisions were hard to make.

As the days and weeks went on, I remember being disappointed and frustrated any time my mom mentioned possibly removing her from the ventilator because you should only be on one for so long, she explained. To me, it felt like giving up, and giving up is not in my DNA. But I wasn’t there and didn’t see the condition she was in. My mom was. And my mom was her best friend and sister, so anything she was considering would be out of love. Those were hard days.

After I got off this particular phone call, I looked up at the wall I had just started, only a few kicks and swings of the bar in, now in the room opposite of where I was. And I saw this. It completely by chance ー in fact, I don’t think I could have done this on my own if I tried

I believe in signs, because I get them often. This one blew me away and brought peace.
